
I am feeling good after a mini detox last week. When I mention this to others, they usually give me odd looks and assume that I didn’t eat anything and subsisted only on lemon water. Well, I do believe in the benefits of doing a detox from time to time — each time I feel energized and renewed afterwards. In a few short days, I don’t even want “the bad stuff” as much and the crazy thing is that it really isn’t that hard to do! So I thought I’d share what this means for me: cutting out known toxins and inflammatory-inducing foods. Bye-bye caffeine, alcohol, refined sugars and dairy. The general eating plan we (got the hubby on board for this one) was:

Breakfast – herbal tea and juice (here is a good one to try: Spicy Tomatillo Juice)

Lunch – smoothie (I tend to like fruit-based and use unsweetened almond milk)

Dinner – salad loaded with fresh veggies (no dressing or just balsamic vinegar and lemon juice) and obviously no cheese, meat, etc.

If I was super hungry then a piece of fruit or more juice usually staved off the hunger pangs. Of course, loads of water with lemon throughout the day – so that part is true – it just isn’t the only thing you are ingesting. I also incorporated a few other detoxification tools such as oil pulling (daily), Epsom salt baths, and hot yoga.

Do you detox regularly? What is your strategy?

Namaste friends.



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